DataOrganizer 1.0 Beta 6 Now Available: It’s a Dark Mode World

The sixth beta of DataOrganizer is now available.

(If you would like to give it a try, please send me an email at beta at

Release notes:

DataOrganizer now fully supports Mojave’s Dark Mode.

The permissions problem affecting the contacts and events fields has been resolved. (In prior versions, this bug only occurred when run on Mojave.)

The appearance of the choice field has changed. Choice fields now display themselves as a standard pop up button. As such, the behavior of the choice field is more clear. (It also looks better in dark mode.)

Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 10.41.08 PM

Remaining known issues that were not fixed in this beta:

For reasons that I have yet to figure out, a crash appears to occur in the sidebar/source list. (It is also possible that the crash is really occurring in a relationship field’s library/stack chooser, as it uses the same code as the source list.) DataOrganizer tries to insert a stack (in a library) below a stack that does not exist.

DataOrganizer may crash when attempting to drag a new field out of the field bar. This bug may be related to (the same?) source list bug mentioned above.